Wednesday, August 31, 2011

it's spring tomorrow!

i'm pretty excited! warm weather, lots of sun shine, daylight savings and because it's the start of the month i'm at rose st markets this weekend!

fingers crossed for good weather!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

long time, no see!

i have been so busy lately. my poor little blog has been left alone out in cyberspace with no one to care for it! hopefully, i will be able to write a bit more now.

first, thank you to all the lovely people who have purchased el tiger goodies from rose st markets. thank you also to the people who have wanted mail orders.

second, here are some upcoming rose st dates:

- saturday 3rd september

-sunday 4th september

-saturday 17th september

-saturday 24th september

-saturday 1st october (forget about the boring footy!!!)

lastly, the photos pictured above are of fabric button hairpins. fabric glued onto recycled buttons and only $3 each!
